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12-04-2009 ESR2 USB script reader software for CANON EOS DSLR
03-21-2009 Evolution Saturn rings aperture between 2003 and 2009
08-01-2008 Total solar eclipse in Mongolia
03-03-2007 Total lunar eclipse
10-08-2006 Evolution of a parhelion
09-12-2006 Conjunction between Moon and Pleďades
06-24-2006 Mercury in daylight
03-29-2006 Total solar eclipse in Egypt
01-31-2006 Moon crescent setting
01-07-2006 Motorized focus for Coronado PST
10-17-2005 22° Halo around full moon
10-03-2005 Annular eclipse in Spain
09-17-2005 Sunspot picture captured with a PST
09-08-2005 Movie of an arch shaped prominence captured with a PST
09-07-2005 Conjunction between Moon and Venus over the pond of Saclay
09-02-2005 Couple of parhelia in late afternoon
08-30-2005 Conjunction between Jupiter and Venus over the pond of Saclay
08-28-2005 Flare movie captured with a PST
08-20-2005 LX200 control keypad software
08-01-2005 Circumpolar star motion in Corsica
07-24-2005 2005cs a supernova in M51
07-14-2005 Prominence movie with a PST
07-13-2005 Conjunction between moon and Jupiter over a pond near Aufargis
07-03-2005 Halpha solar disc with a PST
06-08-2005 Conjunction between Moon and Venus
04-26-2005 Sequencer hardware for EOS300D
04-11-2005 Conjunction between Moon and Pleďades
01-07-2005 A new page about Machholz comet
12-19-2004 Sun rising over lunar Alps
08-13-2004 Sun setting in Brittany in front of Dinard
07-10-2004 An iridescent cloud
06-12-2004 A new page about Venus ultimate phases
06-08-2004 A new page dedicated to Venus transit
05-21-2004 A new page dedicated to comets
03-29-2004 Moon - Alphonse and Arzachel