The keypad of your MEADE LX200 telescope has problems ? Here is a replacement keypad software.
This software controls a LX200 through a RS232 serial port connected to a PC computer. Its written for all windows compatible platforms and and has the following appearance :
- select the device name of the serial port connected to your LX200
- as soon as serial dialog is established between your PC computer and your LX200, right ascension and declination appear in the display area
- Out starts
focus out
- In starts focus in
- 1 sets focus slow
- 2 sets focus fast
move the telescopse in all directions
- Go To open a Go To dialog window (see Go To
- 1 sets the motion rate to guide
- 2 sets the motion rate to center
- 3 sets the motion rate to find
- 4 sets the motion rate to slew
- N key can adapt direction arrows to the screen
image delivered by a camera. Click first on N key and then on
direction key according to North direction on screen image. For
example, let us suppose that a webcam is installed so that the
North direction is oriented to the right on the screen. Click
first on N key and then on East direction key. This way, East
direction key becomes North direction key
- I key can adapt direction arrows in case of
diagonal mirror use
- L- increases
reticle brightness
- L+ decreases reticle brightness
- 0 sets permanent reticle light
- 1 sets reticle slow flashing
- 2 sets reticle fast flashing
- 3 sets reticle light off
All commands below are followed
by frequency displayed in the display area
- T- decreases the frequency by one tenth
- T+ increases the frequency by one tenth
- Lun sets frequency for lunar tracking
- Sol sets frequency for solar tracking
- Sid sets frequency for sideral tracking
- Coord. enables
selection of an object with its coordinates
- Planet enables selection of a planetary object
with its name
- Star enables selection of a star with its name
- Mess. enables selection of a Messier object
with its catalog number
- NGC enables selection of a NGC object with its
catalog number
- Go to moves the telescope to the selected
- Stop interrupts telescope motion
- Sync. synchronises current coordinates with
the coordinates of the selected object
download LX200 control keypad software